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How My PhD Research Guided Me to a Unique, Safer Approach to Fitness, Now Offered Through I-STAR

Instead of a typical write-up on aging and exercise, I wanted to share insights from my PhD research and how it has shaped my unique approach to fitness, which I now offer through I-STAR.

My PhD, titled "When Looks Matter: Errors in Decision-Making in the Health and Fitness Industry in a World of Asymmetric Information and Bounded Rationality," delved into how people often make decisions about their trainers based on appearance rather than expertise. This approach can lead to suboptimal results, including serious injuries, because decisions are made based on surface-level cues rather than actual qualifications and experience.

One of the key takeaways from my research was that most clients genuinely seek more than just fast, short-lived results. They value safe, effective training that helps them achieve their goals without risking injury. This insight fundamentally shaped my approach as a fitness professional. I focus on creating programs that prioritize long-term well-being, ensuring you feel supported and confident while making real, lasting progress.

Through I-STAR (Infinite Strength Training and Rehabilitation), I offer a unique and research-driven approach that integrates academic knowledge with practical experience. I know how important it is to build trust, especially in an industry that’s still largely unregulated. My programs are designed with evidence-based methods that protect your body while guiding you toward your goals, whether you’re building strength, managing pain, or improving your overall fitness.

At I-STAR, the focus is not just on quick results but on sustainable progress that enhances your long-term health. By blending the science behind exercise with a personalized approach, I ensure you receive the tools and guidance needed to thrive in your fitness journey, without the risks of injury that can come from pursuing short-term trends.

This unique blend of research and hands-on experience allows me to provide high-quality, safe, and effective training to clients who want to see results without compromising their health. With I-STAR, you can feel confident that you’re getting more than just a workout—you’re getting a fitness plan built to last, grounded in evidence and designed for your long-term success.

Enjoying your fitness journey with I-STAR? Share the benefits with a friend! If you know someone who could benefit from safe, effective, and research-backed training, refer them to I-STAR. Not only will they receive a personalized plan to help them achieve long-term success, but you'll also get a special reward as a thank you for helping us grow our community. Because remember—together, the possibilities are infinite!

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